Quad Stretch.
In a standing position lift one of your feet until you can grab your ankle.
Point your knee to the ground and pull your foot towards your butt.
Stretch until the front of your leg muscle (quad) feels tight.
Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other leg.
Hamstring Stretch.
Sit down on the floor with one leg straight and the other bent making a V
Reach towards one of your feet with both hands
Stretch until you feel the back of your upper leg tighten. Keep your knee flat to the floor and let your back relax by breathing
Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other leg
Groin Stretch.
Sit on the floor with the soles of both feet together and hands gripping each ankle
Hold your ankles and gently press your knees towards the ground
Breathe and relax whilst holding for 20-30 seconds
Gluteus Stretch.
With one leg straight cross the other leg over at the knee
Take your opposite elbow and to bent leg and twist your body in the same direction
Keep your butt on the ground, use your back hand for balance and look behind you
Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other leg
Shoulder Stretch. The shoulder stretch focuses on the rotator cuff and the back of the shoulder. Keeping your shoulders flexible is key as when you are winding down the windows whilst trying to stay balanced. You want to be able to move quickly and not be restricted.
While standing grab the left wrist with your right hand
Pull your left wrist across your body and stretch your shoulder until it feels tight. Hold for 20-30 seconds
Repeat on the other side
Overhead Shoulder Stretch. The overhead shoulder stretch focuses on keeping the shoulder flexible in overhead movements and stretches the large upper back muscles. Again like the shoulder stretch, this helps to keep your arms from being restricted by your muscles so you can adjust your arms for balance.
While standing grab your right elbow with your left hand behind your head
Pull your right elbow behind your head and stretch until it feels tight. Hold for 20-30 seconds
Repeat on the other side
Cat Stretch. The cat stretch feels great on your lower back and can be used for relaxation. Think about breathing in whilst arcing your back and then breathing out as you lift your head.
Start in a kneeling position, head down and back rounded
Lift your head, arch your back and breath out
Move back to the original position slowly and repeat 10 times
Clock Face Stretch. The clock face is another great lower back stretch to help loosen up all the tension which builds from riding or lifting weights. It will keep you flexible and uses the weight of your rotating arm to apply the stretch. When doing this exercise the goal is to rotate the upper arm around in a circular motion with your arm stopping at each 3 hour mark.
Lye on your side with your arms extend out in front of you and your right leg 90 degrees to your body
Rotate your upper arm to 12 o’clock and then breathe
Rotate your arm behind you to 9 o’clock and then breathe
Continue the rotation around the body 3 times and then switch to the other side and repeat
Piriformis Stretch. The piriformis stretch works on stretching the lateral rotators of the hip. Anyone who has ever had trouble with pressure on their sciatic nerve will know this stretch. Overly tight piriformis muscles can press against the nerve and cause all sorts of pain in the lower leg and back. These muscles are one of the muscles used the most when ripping it both on snow and initiating spins.
Lye on your back and clasp your hands behind your head
Rest your right foot on your bent left knee
Slowly lift your left leg up to start the stretch, stop and hold for 20-50 seconds when your feel the muscle tighten
Lower your left leg to the floor and repeat for 10 reps
Switch legs and repeat
Hip Flexor Stretch.
Form a kneeling position with the right foot forward and a straight spine
Maintaining posture and shift the entire body slightly forward
Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and then repeat on the other side
Resource: http://pro-ride.com/snowboard-workout/stretches
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