S5 Athletes - Emily Jackson

NAME: Emily Jackson


DOB: March 13

HOMETOWN: Rock Island, TN

Favorite Place to Paddle: Anywhere there is water! Warm like Africa, Clear like Cali, Big like the Ottawa, Friendly like Colorado and Home Sweet Home.


  • 2009 Women’s World Freestyle Champion
  • 2011 Silver Medalist
  • Placed Top 3 in all Freestyle Events Entered Since 2006
  • Ranked #1 Women’s US Slalom in 2009
  • Raised $30K for Soft Power Health, Fighting Malaria in Uganda
  • 2006 Outdoor Idol and Current Outdoor Nation Ambassador
  • Survived being a Jackson

Playboat: My Rock Star S (its EPIC!)

Creekboat: Zen or Villian S, Zen in more big water creeking and Villain S when I want the sweetest boofs or rock maneuvering

Her Crazy Fact: I’ve completed a Marathon and a Century Ride with my Mother in the same month and I own a pot belly pig monkey (French bulldog)

Why Emily Loves Kayaking: I love the freedom kayaking gives you, whether its taking you to a new place, introducing you to new people or simply taking away all other thoughts from the day, it always gives me the peace I crave.